ABSOLUT MACHINES – Amazing robotic, web connected ping-pong tossing musical instrument, a large-scale electromechanical sculpture

Probably half my posts say that each respective post contains one of the coolest things ever, but in this case its really really true!

This is one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen. It shoots ping pong balls, it’s a musical instrument, it plays wine glasses, it’s a giant robot, and can be controlled by YOU online. For reals!

Click on any of the images to goto the post by MAKE magazine, where you can scroll down and see a good video of it in action. If it happens to be between 9am -11pm EST, login and play a tune. If you’re in NYC, they say it’s a must-see in person (186 Orchard st.).

absolut machinesabsolut machines
absolut machines

Via: MAKE Blog – MAKE Magazine

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